Nations Cup
Detailed walkthrough on how to set up and run different variations of the team competition
Create the team competition
If you are on start lists, right click of the existing competitions, select new competition from the dropdown and then Show jumping in the submenu.

Make sure to set arena, date, time, competition number. The judgement should be Nations Cup and the should be set ticked as team.

Check so min and max starts per team fits the rules that will apply to your article of the team competiiton you are going to run. Min means that least the results from min number of starts will counted in the team results.

Add all teams
Once the competition is created, go back to Startlists and add the teams that should participate.

Type the name of the participating nation and select from the auto complete list. Team no should all be 1, this is used on national level where we link a club to the team instead of nation and the club have several teams in the competition. Fill in the Chef d'Equipe if this is known already.

Once saved, the team is added to the competition. Press a followed by n to add the next team.

Drag the teams is the order of the given draw (or on lower level let system randomize by pressing Tools > Randomize). Once that is done. press Tools > Renumber to get starting numbers of the teams.

Time to add the team members. Click on the name of the team or right click to select Edit from the dropdown menu.

Add team member by pressing New start, if you already know what horse no that should be in each team this will the quickest way, once the number is entered Equipe will bring up both rider and horse. You can also search by rider and horse.
We have all teams in the correct order, all team members are in in the correct order within the team. Next thing is to make sure the starting order is according to this team setup.

This ensure the the first rider of the first team is first, followed by the second teams first rider and so on. This is an important step.
Print outs will be a require a bit of fine tuning so it looks good. We recommend this settings.

Configure the judgement
Go the the result registration. Then File > Advanced.

For each Round, ensure that the settings are correct according to your Nations Cup.
- Select round
- Number of team members starting. This is blank as this is the first round, all team members should start.
- Calculate the best possible outcome should be ticked if all team members are starting in the round.

In this variation of Nations Cup in Jump off, I only want one rider for each team to the jump off.
- Select jump off
- Number of team members starting (if this option is select, before going to this round / jump off, you can select what rider will do the jump off, more on this later)
- Calculate best possible outcome is not needed here, the first one should be calculated as there is only one.

- Select round 2
- Qualification: This is the qualification for going into the second round. In this version I want to enabled the Host nation rule, so if the host nation has 8 penalties or less from the last qualified team they are qualified for the second round too.

To determ the host nation, this is a Show setting from File > Show settings.

Click the Time allowed to configure settings for the rounds and jump off.
- Time allowed show the modal
- Time allowed in Round 1
- Number of teams going to Round 2
- Time allowed in Round 2
- Time allowed in Jump off

Result registration and timekeeping
Timekeeping and result registration is as normal. Important for the 2nd round is that if a rider will not be participating select Abstained (will be renamed to dns)
I've now entered results for the first rider of each team, and so far no teams has any results yet.

I have no filled in all results for the first round. As I configured 8 teams to the 2nd round, and I'm applying the host nation rule. Sweden have 20 penalties, Japan the last qualified for 2nd round on 12 penalties so Sweden within these 8 penalties that is allowed. The onlly team that do not go the next round in this example will be Switzerland.

Press Round 2. The system now switch everything over to the next round, change the reverse the order (according the the settings under File > Advanced).

You can now print a new start list if you want, make sure you select Round 2.

Once entered all results for Round 2, in our case we have an upcoming jump off between USA and Italy. Notice the new column we have available in Round 2, this is because Jump off is set to only have one rider start. So before moving to the Jump off, tick the rider that will do the jump off for each qualified team, this settings does nothing for unqualified teams.

In some Nations Cup only 3 riders do the Round 2 that is configured similar by going to File > Advanced, select Round 2 and enter that 3 team members will start.