What's new in Equipe Entry - Januari & Februari

In Januari & Februari we continued with the project to bring Entry more inline with App. Below the summary of this.

Allow changes per competition (replaced allow changes to accepted entries)
To give organizer finer control if a rider after submission can edit their entries, their is now a control on a per competition bases. To access this go the "Schedule" tab. By default this is disallowed, to keep the original working. With this change:
  • Riders can only withdrawn online until the day before a class starts
  • If Allow Changes is on, changes are online allowed until the day before a class starts
  • Unsubmitted can always be changed or deleted(also after the competition is over to allow riders to still pay their entries if needed)
Added toggle for Allow Changes

Move entry (Only as organizer)
You can now move an entry to a different class that meets the requirements for this entry. Pony class entry, can only be move to other pony classes. Or if Start categories is used, you can only move an entry to classes that have this category as well.
Move Entry

Show Arena
If the arena is set in app, this is now exported to entry. This is used to group competitions together, and so give riders a better view what is in which arena. But this also has the side effect that you as organizer can see how many starts are in each arena, before importing in to App.

View of the rider

View of the organizer

Verify existing rider/horse
In the previous update we rolled out the option to require rider/horse to be imported from the federation. To continue this we have given users to option to verify existing rider/horse with their federation. The data returned by the federation is leading, but data that the federation doesn't have is preserved. This allows rider to quickly update their profile. And if rider/horse is verified, their is now an option to refresh data from the federation to Entry.
Verify profile banner

Confirmation on Withdrawing of a entry
It was very easy to withdrawn an entry, a bit to easy. So their is now a proper popup when you want to withdrawn an entry. To make sure this is not a mistake.
Confirmation to delete entry

Move entry from reserve to starting (Only as organizer)
It's now possible from a rider entry page to move entries from the reserve list, to make it easier to get one rider off the reserve list. Instead of searching him in every competition.
Reserve -> Starting


Smaller changes:
  • If its disabled to start same horse twice in a class, it will now be possible again for riders to share a horse in the same class. As this is a new combination
  • Sign up page is now translated
  • If entry is still on the reserve list, but others got accepted, we no longer render reserve & accepted label at once. It will now show only the reserve label. (In case of stables, when at least one stable is not on the reserve list the label accepted will be shown, in combination how many are still on the reserve list.)

What’s new in the Equipe app – January

January brings a series of improvements, fixes, and new features to Equipe! If you haven’t already read about our new native support for FDS, please do so first.

Rider declaration just got an update! Now, horses that have reached the maximum number of competitions are no longer expected to declare. These horses are highlighted in yellow (3) and have their own dedicated tab (1). Additionally, the tables under the search tab are now sortable.

We’ve also added a column displaying the total number of competitions for each horse (2).

Max competitions reached, sortable and total number of competitions

All columns are now sortable

The Federation API has been extended to allow searching for horses by person. Since our own entry.equipe.com is built on the same integration, this update makes it possible to search for and import horses by the rider (or payer) from entry.equipe.com. This is especially convenient for late entries made on-site, as it allows you to directly fetch the horse associated with the rider.

Press one button to get all horses that belogs to the rider from entry.equipe.com

The competition settings dropdown under File > Publish Online was not rendering correctly when positioned at the bottom of the screen. This has now been permanently fixed by centering the popover. This also makes it more convenient, as you can make multiple changes before dismissing the popover by closing it or clicking elsewhere.

Popover instead of dropdown

Jumping back and forth between reports is now more seamless, as the system remembers your last position (saved when you print). This should help prevent accidentally printing the wrong report.

Remembers your last position

Transfer (copy, move, switch) now starts with competitions collapsed by default, except for one-day shows. This provides a better overview and makes it easier to find the correct competition for transfers.

Transfer (copy, move, switch) now uses an accordion for better organization and usability

The inline edit for competition start time now enforces a specific format to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Inline edit competitions

Fixed start list check to correctly handle cases where riders have no horses

  • A new horse now defaults to “horse” in a competition that primarily consists of horses.
  • Improved email validation, for example, when sending invoices.
  • Fixed sorting on custom fields—unset, null, empty strings, etc., now sort as expected.
  • Trimmed all search terms when searching in FEI to prevent issues caused by extra whitespace from copy-pasting.

  • Removed the meeting secretary link, now only presenting the global one.
  • Restored penalty discrepancy alerts when judges’ penalties differ.

  • Allowed updates on future shows, only available for shows with FEI competitions.

  • Updated Danish refusal rule.

0-star shows (Swedish)
  • Do not publish timekeeping, marking sheets, or score sheets when “Publish without individual results” is enabled.
  • Imports “Publish without results” and “Do not publish online” settings and exports them back to TDB.
  • Added a setting to publish progress without publishing individual results.
  • Linked vet fees according to settings provided by TDB.

  • Added arena to timekeeping payload for extensions.
  • Enabled overriding result_preview from the API in show jumping.
  • Adjusted behavior to match users/meetings#index, returning the latest scope parameter results.

  • Added a browser component to display the version of the browser rendering a screen.
  • The meeting picker now shows the 50 latest meetings when searching for shows to import scoreboards from.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut A in timekeeping and split times.
  • Fixed export all invoices one really big shows.
  • Improved boolean filter for fetching data, making it more error-proof.

  • Now storing the checksum of uncompressed backup XMLs to avoid unnecessary archive creation.
  • Added tasks to check for stale archives
  • Updated to language version.

  • Admins can now move extensions between organizers.
  • Invoice email is required when no payer is set, and the plan is set to “none.”
  • Added inline editing to hidden the marking sheet.

Equipe Announces Native Timekeeping Support via Web Serial API 🎉

Ten years ago, when we launched app.equipe.com, there was no serial interface available in browsers. But things change over time, and today we have the Web Serial API in Chrome. This means we can now support timekeeping natively, directly within Equipe, without the need for external software or additional WebSocket connections. Best of all, this works seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
No software required for webdrivers

This drastically reduces complexity.

Today, we are announcing support for FDS, one of the most popular choices among our users. But we didn’t stop there—we’ve also added support for their scoreboard, the FDS MLED. With this integration, we can send data to nine different lines, and within their software, you can configure the look, feel, and appearance to suit your needs.

Jumping Kit from FDS

Control panel for FDS MLED

Of course, there are many more timekeeping devices and scoreboards out there. To address this, we’ve created a flexible interface for both devices and scoreboards. If you’d like us to integrate support for your hardware, follow the integration guidelines in the documentation and we can work on bringing it into Equipe.

Select your scoreboard output or bring your own

You can also create your own integration without our involvement and use it directly in Equipe.

Wait, there’s more! We’ve added a new feature to timekeeping: Equipe can now ring a bell when a node is triggered. You can choose from a variety of alert sounds and assign them to specific nodes, making the experience even more customizable and efficient.

Configure - ring the bell

With these updates, we’re keeping things simple and practical. Our goal is to make timekeeping setup easier and give you tools that just work, so you can focus on running great shows. At the same time, we’ve designed the system to be flexible and easy to extend, so you can adapt it to your unique needs.

Version 4.2 of our Android app for online.equipe.com is now available! 🎉

We’ve released an updated version of the Android app! 

This version includes:

  • Resolved issues with opening course designs and other attachments
  • Bug fixes for smoother performance

Having trouble installing?  
  • Uninstall the old app and try again.  

Please inform your riders that we have a new app, so they can stay updated with the latest information from your event.

Step into the arena

Special Christmas Update: Equipe Entry

A few months ago, we decided to bring Equipe Entry more in line with the equipe-app. Over the years, we’ve received a lot of feedback on the Entry System, and this update is just the beginning. Our focus has been on small improvements, quality-of-life enhancements, and framework upgrades. Just in time for Christmas, we’re excited to share this update with you! Now, you’re up to date with all the changes we’ve made over the past few weeks.

Here’s the full changelog of recent updates to Equipe Entry. Happy reading!

Major changes

  • Translation implementation – In Entry and emails
    •  🇬🇧 English: Hello
    • 🇸🇪 Swedish: Hej
    • 🇳🇱 Dutch: Hallo
    • 🇪🇸 Spanish: Hola
    • 🇫🇷 French: Bonjour
    • 🇩🇪 German: Hallo
    • 🇵🇹 Portuguese: Olá
    • 🇨🇳 Chinese: 你好 (Nǐ hǎo)
  • Now running the latest versions of the language, framework, and all major dependencies.

Other changes

  • Do not calculate meeting fees for reserves.
  • Added a screenshot service for sharing links on Facebook and WhatsApp. Now, you get a nice preview of the page when sharing. This is a great feature, especially since you already share a lot of content!
  • Edit/Delete buttons were previously rendered outside the view on mobile. Not anymore!
  • Competition Settings: 
    • Disable Hors Concours entries 
    • Disable waiting list 
    • Allow horse to be enter twice in the same competition (default: enabled) 
    • Require Rider to be imported through the federation
      needs to match show federation 
    • Require Horse to be imported through the federation 
    • Late Entry Fee & Late Entry From, allowing to add late entry fee automatically 
    • Max horses per rider 
  • New competition settings can be edited through Bulk Edit 
  • Competition Settings are shown on entry 
  • Entries can now be accepted on a per-entry basis, with different email notifications. For example: “Some of your entries have been accepted.”
  • A show can now be part of a federation, displaying the badge: “Official  Show.”
  • Late Entry fee can be ignored in entries page, Withdrawn Free of Charge also disables late entry fee 
  • Email now has reply to organizer email included if Email is set in Entry system (After login in to entry, go to your show, click Organizer in navigation, and check and if wanted fill in the email address a rider should email to) 
  • Per Competition Entries page 
    • New Catogory with all the withdrawn starts 
    • Categories only have entries that match the filter. Submitted / Accepted don’t have withdrawn / Reserve starts anymore. 
    • Show info about the entry, category of the horse/pony, Hors Concours, Start Category 
    • Accept single entry from this page aswell 
  • Show button to go overview of shows only of the organizer 
  • Organizer Meetings page, show upcoming ( for organizer also past shows) and Email the organizer button 
  • Show comment popup on entries page, to directly view comments made by riders 
  • Show HC / Start category on entries page 

December Update: App and Online

While you’re enjoying all the latest updates in this post, please don’t forget that we launched our new Android app for online.equipe.com yesterday! 🎉

Let’s just say writing the changelog was its own endurance event 😅🐴💨

Equipe Online

  • Added Neutral Individual 1 (NI1) and Neutral Individual 3 (NI2) to country list
  • Normalizes user agent  
  • Switching to WebSocket: Standalone setup with fewer dependencies and faster performance.
  • Possible order score summary items by date of the competition  
  • Background workers now run in clusters for better resource use on servers
  • Don't show rank for eliminated riders 

Equipe App

  • Security: Scoreboards migrated from numeric IDs to hashed IDs (e.g. scoreboards/123 to scoreboards/YHg82Ngo2L) for improved security without requiring sign-in.
  • Security: Added the ability to regenerate scoreboard IDs in the danger zone when editing scoreboards. Convert numeric IDs to secure formats if needed.
  • Security: Lists of extensions now return only minimal attributes to reduce data exposure.
  • Switching to WebSocket: Standalone setup with fewer dependencies and faster performance.
  • Eventing: Refactored settings, enabling configurable penalties for BFD and unified naming for times below optimum.
  • Eventing: Added configurable penalties for first and second refusals.
  • Eventing: Configurable penalties per second when a rider is above or below the optimum time. Added 5 and 10-second penalties for times below optimum.
  • Fetch Data: Dressage and show jumping now include `elimination_complement`.
  • Dressage: Fixed issues with fetching and starting dressage events.
  • Dressage: Improved reason fetching when retrieving dressage results.
  • Optimization: Enhanced fetching setups for data from multiple competitions.
  • Publish: Start and result lists now use a shared connection to push data for all competitions to online.equipe.com.
  • FEI Export: Corrected reporting for Table C with no obstacle faults and time faults.
  • System: Improved import process for large shows, avoiding multiple unarchiver starts.
  • Paperless: Handover marking sheets now available from start lists.
  • Entry System Import: Fixed a bug affecting entry imports when users belonged to multiple organizers with many shows.
  • Paperless: Dressage total percent is now calculated by dividing judges' total percent sums by the number of judges, aligning with FEI rules, unchanged for 2025.
  • Federation: Fixed sorting on federation marking sheets in the FEI tab.
  • Federation: Enabled printing of hidden marking sheets.
  • Paperless: System now requires dressage judges to be defined as people in the show to ensure functionality, regardless of federation settings.
  • Scoreboards: Fixed beat time scope to prevent differences from disappearing too quickly.
  • FEI Export: Corrected another deduction calculation case when reporting to FEI.
  • Timekeeping: Timekeeping drivers can define custom width and height.
  • System: Framework upgraded.

New Android App for online.equipe.com 🎉

We’ve completely rewritten our Android app. It looks the same but everything under the hood is brand new. 

  • Faster and More Stable: Enjoy improved performance.  
  • Push Notifications Are Back: Never miss an important result.  
  • Enhanced User Experience: Smoother navigation and modern technology.  
  • Improved Support for Newer Phone Models: Better compatibility and future-proofing.  

Having trouble installing?  
  • Uninstall the old app and try again.  

Please inform your riders that we have a new app, so they can stay updated with the latest information from your event.

Step into the arena

November Update: Enhanced Features and Fixes in Equipe

Here’s a summary of what’s new and improved

Equipe Online

  • Fixed rendering of marking sheet on smaller devices where placement / movement could align wrongly.
  • Added support for minimum competitions in a Score Summary, and improved rendering to communicate if the competitions are included summary for competitor.

  • Possible to move a score summary to another show by providing a new ID.
  • Added route /startlists/x/edit to quickly navigate to edit the competition (if you have access) /startlists/x/app is also available since a long time ago.
  • Added route /meeting_classes/x/app to quickly navigate to app.equipe.com
  • Fixes delete all notifications button under push messages.
  • Updating Firebase Cloud Messaging to the latest API (prepare for Android mobile app update)
  • Framework upgrade
  • Language upgrade
New option min competitions

Equipe App

  • Tweaked timeouts when sending results to online.equipe.com
  • Fixed renumbering after import from FEI
  • People header, align flag/logo and with name better
  • Framework upgrade
  • Language upgrade

Equipe Help

  • Removed dependencies on redis
  • Switched background job system
  • Possible to toggle awaiting user / support
  • Possible to reopen closed question
  • Framework upgrade
  • Language upgrade

Equipe Snapshot

We have introduced a new service to replace our old one. This service generates screenshots when sharing links to Equipe Online in messaging apps or on social media. Our previous solution faced reliability issues, and we are hopeful that this new approach will be more reliable and performant.

Example of thumbnail when sharing link to Equipe Online

Our New iPhone App for online.equipe.com

We’re launching a new iPhone app for online.equipe.com. While it might look the same as before, it’s actually a complete re-write. We focused on making it faster, smoother, and more stable.

What’s Different?

 • Better performance and quicker loading.
 • Improved reliability to reduce issues.
 • Same familiar design with an upgraded foundation.

Make sure to upgrade to the latest version to experience the improvements. If you like it, please take a moment to rate us in the App Store – your feedback helps us improve.

If you’re looking for an Android version, stay tuned.

Step into the arena

Early November Update: Focused on Bug Fixes, Upgrades, and Improved Maintainability

Recent updates to the Equipe systems have focused on upgrading, improving functionality, security, and ease of use. Equipe Online switched to token-based push notifications, making it more secure and easier to manage. The framework was upgraded for better performance.

In the Equipe App, user management was made easier, automatic set dates on new shows, and the Egyptian Pound (EGP) currency was added. Internal updates improved efficiency and fixed minor bugs, especially in Timekeeping and print compatibility with Adobe Acrobat.

More detailed list below.

Equipe Online

  • Updated Framework version
  • Using token instead of certificate for push notifications
  • Updated PubSub

Equipe App

  • Admin: Improved organizer ordering under Show settings > admin
  • Cleanup: Shows with missing starts and ends date
  • Economy: Added Egyptian Pound (EGP) currency
  • Handover: Fixed to_s for filter/item
  • Internal: Added aliases for horse-related methods
  • Internal: Disabled deprecated features for FEI search
  • Internal: Fixed issue with repositioning after Framework upgrade
  • Logging: Fixed issue with logging events in Timekeeping
  • New meeting: Starts and ends on default to Friday the following week
  • Paperless: Fixed rounding issue
  • Printouts: Fixed compatibility with Adobe Acrobat
  • Publishing: Disable horse labels now also clear the labels at online on next publish
  • SWB: Fixed CSV export of marking sheet with remarks
  • Timekeeping: Fixed WebDriver timekeeping bug (0.0 issue on toggle timekeeping)
  • Updated FEI module
  • User management: account owners can update password/edit users with invalid emails

Equipe Entry

  • Added Egyptian Pound (EGP) currency support
  • Fixed VAT inclusion/exclusion logic
  • Upgraded to Framework
  • Ensured i18n items are available in JavaScript