In Januari & Februari we continued with the project to bring Entry more inline with App. Below the summary of this.
Allow changes per competition (replaced allow changes to accepted entries) To give organizer finer control if a rider after submission can edit their entries, their is now a control on a per competition bases. To access this go the "Schedule" tab. By default this is disallowed, to keep the original working. With this change:
Riders can only withdrawn online until the day before a class starts
If Allow Changes is on, changes are online allowed until the day before a class starts
Unsubmitted can always be changed or deleted(also after the competition is over to allow riders to still pay their entries if needed)
Added toggle for Allow Changes
Move entry (Only as organizer) You can now move an entry to a different class that meets the requirements for this entry. Pony class entry, can only be move to other pony classes. Or if Start categories is used, you can only move an entry to classes that have this category as well.
Move Entry
Show Arena If the arena is set in app, this is now exported to entry. This is used to group competitions together, and so give riders a better view what is in which arena. But this also has the side effect that you as organizer can see how many starts are in each arena, before importing in to App.
View of the rider
View of the organizer
Verify existing rider/horse In the previous update we rolled out the option to require rider/horse to be imported from the federation. To continue this we have given users to option to verify existing rider/horse with their federation. The data returned by the federation is leading, but data that the federation doesn't have is preserved. This allows rider to quickly update their profile. And if rider/horse is verified, their is now an option to refresh data from the federation to Entry.
Verify profile banner
Confirmation on Withdrawing of a entry It was very easy to withdrawn an entry, a bit to easy. So their is now a proper popup when you want to withdrawn an entry. To make sure this is not a mistake.
Confirmation to delete entry
Move entry from reserve to starting (Only as organizer) It's now possible from a rider entry page to move entries from the reserve list, to make it easier to get one rider off the reserve list. Instead of searching him in every competition.
Reserve -> Starting
Smaller changes:
If its disabled to start same horse twice in a class, it will now be possible again for riders to share a horse in the same class. As this is a new combination
Sign up page is now translated
If entry is still on the reserve list, but others got accepted, we no longer render reserve & accepted label at once. It will now show only the reserve label. (In case of stables, when at least one stable is not on the reserve list the label accepted will be shown, in combination how many are still on the reserve list.)