What’s new in the Equipe app – January

January brings a series of improvements, fixes, and new features to Equipe! If you haven’t already read about our new native support for FDS, please do so first.

Rider declaration just got an update! Now, horses that have reached the maximum number of competitions are no longer expected to declare. These horses are highlighted in yellow (3) and have their own dedicated tab (1). Additionally, the tables under the search tab are now sortable.

We’ve also added a column displaying the total number of competitions for each horse (2).

Max competitions reached, sortable and total number of competitions

All columns are now sortable

The Federation API has been extended to allow searching for horses by person. Since our own entry.equipe.com is built on the same integration, this update makes it possible to search for and import horses by the rider (or payer) from entry.equipe.com. This is especially convenient for late entries made on-site, as it allows you to directly fetch the horse associated with the rider.

Press one button to get all horses that belogs to the rider from entry.equipe.com

The competition settings dropdown under File > Publish Online was not rendering correctly when positioned at the bottom of the screen. This has now been permanently fixed by centering the popover. This also makes it more convenient, as you can make multiple changes before dismissing the popover by closing it or clicking elsewhere.

Popover instead of dropdown

Jumping back and forth between reports is now more seamless, as the system remembers your last position (saved when you print). This should help prevent accidentally printing the wrong report.

Remembers your last position

Transfer (copy, move, switch) now starts with competitions collapsed by default, except for one-day shows. This provides a better overview and makes it easier to find the correct competition for transfers.

Transfer (copy, move, switch) now uses an accordion for better organization and usability

The inline edit for competition start time now enforces a specific format to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Inline edit competitions

Fixed start list check to correctly handle cases where riders have no horses

  • A new horse now defaults to “horse” in a competition that primarily consists of horses.
  • Improved email validation, for example, when sending invoices.
  • Fixed sorting on custom fields—unset, null, empty strings, etc., now sort as expected.
  • Trimmed all search terms when searching in FEI to prevent issues caused by extra whitespace from copy-pasting.

  • Removed the meeting secretary link, now only presenting the global one.
  • Restored penalty discrepancy alerts when judges’ penalties differ.

  • Allowed updates on future shows, only available for shows with FEI competitions.

  • Updated Danish refusal rule.

0-star shows (Swedish)
  • Do not publish timekeeping, marking sheets, or score sheets when “Publish without individual results” is enabled.
  • Imports “Publish without results” and “Do not publish online” settings and exports them back to TDB.
  • Added a setting to publish progress without publishing individual results.
  • Linked vet fees according to settings provided by TDB.

  • Added arena to timekeeping payload for extensions.
  • Enabled overriding result_preview from the API in show jumping.
  • Adjusted behavior to match users/meetings#index, returning the latest scope parameter results.

  • Added a browser component to display the version of the browser rendering a screen.
  • The meeting picker now shows the 50 latest meetings when searching for shows to import scoreboards from.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed keyboard shortcut A in timekeeping and split times.
  • Fixed export all invoices one really big shows.
  • Improved boolean filter for fetching data, making it more error-proof.

  • Now storing the checksum of uncompressed backup XMLs to avoid unnecessary archive creation.
  • Added tasks to check for stale archives
  • Updated to language version.

  • Admins can now move extensions between organizers.
  • Invoice email is required when no payer is set, and the plan is set to “none.”
  • Added inline editing to hidden the marking sheet.