Edit competitions and lists

Settings for competitions and lists in the show

Once upon a time, all competitions and lists were being made manually which often were very time-consuming. Now, all of them are quickly being imported directly from the FEI entry system or the federations entry system.

This brings us to the question of how you for example change the judgement of the competition, adds the name of the course designer or changes the arena. A lot of information is imported from the entry system, but if some information isn't available the system will use a standard setting. It is good to familiarize with this part of the system in order to get a good understanding of how it affects other parts of it.


Judgement, status, height and horse or pony is more or less self-explanatory.

Competition arena
Here it is possible to add the location of the show, but also to add on if the competition is on a specific arena, for example Arena X or Arena Y etc. The system's time schedule will automatically be grouped on the different arenas in order to get a clean and comprehensive view for each of them.

The competition's starting time. The most important thing is to set a starting time for the first competition on each arena. Then you can see the calculated times for the whole day. At the view for the time schedule, the system will calculate when a competition will end depending on the time for each rider etc. 

Starts / Group
There are often some misunderstandings about this setting. It is only applicable if you have several horses in the arena at the same time, who have the same starting time. If the setting is "3" only one in three will have a starting time.

Time per start
This function is used in dressage and eventing (the dressage part). Default is the time for every ride, which can be found on the marking sheet, but it always takes some time prior to and just after each ride, so add one or two minutes to be on the safe side.


Young horses in section B
Here it is set if there should be a section B in the competition, where the young horses will be.

Merge categories
The calculates by itself the merging of categories according to the rules of the federation. But sometimes there is a need of other models. Press the down arrow to the right and choose between category by category, all categories together and three equipage is a full category.

Placed (quantity)
Set a fixed amount of placed. This can be done along with changing the place word (below).

Placed (%)
Specify how many percent of the competing that shall be placed. Then the field "Placed (quantity) should be left blanked. Otherwise that setting is prioritized.

Place word
Is often used in for example a final. In "Placed (quantity)" you are able to put in for example 20 and change the place word to "Qualified to final" or "To final". If the place word is left blank the information about amount of placed disappears.


Information regarding the officials can be put in here. For example the namnes for President of the Ground Jury, Course Designer, Show Director and Speaker can be added. Put in the name and if the person will be the same for the day or the entire show the buttons to the right is used.


Here there are three different options for start- and result lists. Usually you want to have the same title for the entire show. Subheader 1 can be suitable to write a description if it is a specific cup or the sponsor of the competition. The same principle is applicable for Subheader 2, but this one also contains the information regarding judgment of the competition.