Email and cell phone


Now available on the field selector under start lists, with inline edit.

Number of riders?


You can now quickly see the number of riders in a competition, just hover over the number of participants to get full details.

Basic info screen on Equipe Online


Today we've released a more basic info screen, publicly available for everyone. This comes without any configuration possibilities - just select which arena you want to show and it takes care of the rest.

As this is mainly made for national/non-enterprise usage we have left out real-time reflection and dressage open scoring on purpose.

To access this info screen, go the the show at

In the navigation bar at the top, select Info screen and pick the arena you want to show.

New discipline icons


Our previous discipline icons had been with us for many years and we felt they were due an update, so we had some new ones made. This time in vector format ⭐️.

Here's the result:

Define published competition name


Within you set title, subheader 1 and 2 for each competition. These are nicly printed in the top of start- and result lists print outs.

But what about Competitions are presented a bit different as the space is limited and it needs to fit on a number of devices and different screen sizes.

Right now we have only published the name of the competition, but this leaves the sponsor unpromoted unless you've singed in to and manually overriden the competition name. To write this information twice is silly.

The problem was partly that title, subheader 1 and 2 was used differently between organizers, so we didn't know exactly where the sponsor name is located. We wanted to allow this flexible workflow and still be able to get correct information to As usual by default it should to the right thing.

From today you are able to define the published competition name under the File > Publish Online > Advanced

The final result, you get a combination of the fields in the order given as competition name. You only have to set this setting initially.

We hope you enjoy it and it saves time!

Allow individual marking sheets


A couple of weeks ago we secretly launched a new magnificent feature. This has been tested and we are ready to share it with a greater audience.

Imagine you have one dressage competition where everyone competes against each-other on their own level.

It's now possible to allow individual marking sheets for each start in a dressage competition and everything will just follow, print out, result input, live-result.

In the settings of the competition, check Allow individual marking sheets

A new column will appear on start list, if not, go to Tools > Field selector and pick Individual marking sheets.

When you print out all marking sheets, everyone will get their own sheet. Huge time saver.

We are introducing a new discipline! 🚀🎉


Today we proudly present the latest supported discipline in Equipe - Endurance!

We have had support for Endurance in the past, in the precursor to Over the years, we started to imagine what Endurance would look and feel like on our new platform. During the past months this has gone from undefined thoughts to explicit drawings and finally to something real. It's a fantastic process to take part in, seeing it grow under your fingertips.

It is something special about solving the same problem again but with new technology and building upon the foundation of, it's joy.

What we wanted is a result editor in parity with the ones we have for Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross country. Filled with details and an interface that gives the overview that you expect from us.

To quickly communicate how far the competition have come in the different phases, we made - maybe - the most beautiful progress bar we have ever done. So happy with the result. 👌🏼

From the beginning we wanted easy access to all phases for a rider, all within a single click without jumping back and forth. A lesson learned from the previous implementation.

In Endurance we work with a lot of timestamps for several phases. In order to give you the quickest feedback we provide live inline validation to help you put the correct time in each box.

Time to present must be after Arrival and within Time to present, the Recovery time is calculated as you type in the time and, of course, a progress bar that gives you a better view of how much time was spent for recovery.

As you may have noted above the different phases are color coded. This is pattern we have observed in real life, running real shows. This is configured for each competition.

We have some predefined colors, that will look great in our interface, but you are also able to bring up the color picker to configure your own.

Is it production ready? We can ensure that, as we already have had our first international show running it and the results have been exported directly to FEI.

Go ahead and try it out! Let us know what you think about it.

Jon Stenqvist CEO

Field selector


Brand new field selector where it's possible to set the order of the columns.

CSV Import


Added missing fields on person model, passport no and national id.

Accreditation form


Follow up on People, Label will now also filter on horses, made the same with Accreditation form print out to be consistent leave unfiltered to keep same behaviour as before.