New rule 2018: Accumulator with 2 Jokers


For the last obstacle of the course, an alternative obstacle may be provided, of which one element may be designated the Joker. The Joker must be more difficult than the alternative obstacle and carry double points.

If the Joker is knocked down, these points must be deducted from the total points obtained so far by the Athlete. At the discretion of the Course Designer, two Jokers may be included instead of one as alternatives to the last obstacle jumped.

In this case, the first Joker will carry 150% of the points of the last obstacle on the course; the second Joker must be more difficult than the first Joker and will carry 200% of the points of the last obstacle on the course. The Athlete may jump one of the two Jokers as an alternative to the last obstacle.

If the Joker is correctly jumped, the Athlete earns 150%, respectively 200%, of the points of the last obstacle on the course. If the Joker is knocked down (JRs Art. 217.1), 150%, respectively 200%, of the points of the last obstacle of the course must be deducted from the total points obtained so far by the Athlete.