Add course designers at


We have rearranged the menu at Equipe Online now all admin tasks is under the Admin dropdown menu.

A long time request is now implemented - you can grant access to your course designers your self. Go to Admin > Course Designers. Enter the email and press Add. If the course designer already have an account at the access will be set directly, if not, it happens the moment they sign up.

You can follow the status of the assignment in the status column.

Confirmed User exists and have been assigned course designer role.

Pending User doesn't exists yet. Waiting for sign up.

Extended federation access


Federation admins can now edit their users and reset passwords.



Fixes timekeeping for show jumping judgements where the initial round doesn't have time.

Support for multiple groups of round qualification always


In show jumping when there is a style judgement that goes together with faults and time, it's useful to have the style judgement always visible. We now support to have multiple of these, so the following rounds set to Always will go together until it finds a round that isn't set to always.

Fixes corner case prize money distribution


When less then 12 placed, and equal ranked below and over 12th place, don't use beyond prizes.

New rule 2018: Accumulator with 2 Jokers


For the last obstacle of the course, an alternative obstacle may be provided, of which one element may be designated the Joker. The Joker must be more difficult than the alternative obstacle and carry double points.

If the Joker is knocked down, these points must be deducted from the total points obtained so far by the Athlete. At the discretion of the Course Designer, two Jokers may be included instead of one as alternatives to the last obstacle jumped.

In this case, the first Joker will carry 150% of the points of the last obstacle on the course; the second Joker must be more difficult than the first Joker and will carry 200% of the points of the last obstacle on the course. The Athlete may jump one of the two Jokers as an alternative to the last obstacle.

If the Joker is correctly jumped, the Athlete earns 150%, respectively 200%, of the points of the last obstacle on the course. If the Joker is knocked down (JRs Art. 217.1), 150%, respectively 200%, of the points of the last obstacle of the course must be deducted from the total points obtained so far by the Athlete.

Inplace edit


Fixes small bug when leaving a space in a custom field, it was hard to edit it again.

Federation API update


This is not public visible change, and will not affect the usage of Normally these changes goes without saying. But I think this is a perfect opportunity to share our way of thinking.

Federation API is what allows Equipe to be glued together with any Federation or Entry system. It allows Equipe to import entries, export results, search riders, horses, clubs and officials on the behalf of the signed in person, and import specific record directly to Equipe without leaving the system.

You are read more about it

From the birth of the Federation API we have had integer/bigint as foreign id, so the external system can identify what goes in and what goes out.

The problem with using integer as primary key for external system is that the data models could differ. We expect all people to be stored in one table, and that is what happened, riders, officials and horse owners came from different sources and don't have unique identifier. Todays update solves this. Foreign string IDs can easily be prefixed to be unique or you can use guids.

  "show": {
    "id": "fc1bf64e-1f6d-4838-ab45-1d4f0a079288",
    "name": "Mini show 2017",
    "currency": "SEK"
  "competitions": [
      "competition_no": "1",
      "name": "Two phases, not atc T A",
      "judgement_id": "274.5.1",
      "discipline": "H",
      "starts_on": "2017-01-10",
      "start_time": "12:00",
      "fence_height": 120,
      "entry_fee": 120,
      "late_entry_fee": 50,
      "vat": 0
  "people": [
      "id": "c0cdc695-c646-4b32-ab68-5fa92eca2fc5",
      "first_name": "Jon",
      "last_name": "Stenqvist",
      "person_no": "2010-10-12"
  "horses": [
      "id": "81ce6fc1-426b-4a77-9371-1605f51c9eef",
      "name": "Seed",
      "category": "H"
  "entries": [
      "id": "2f5e3700-95b6-47ea-a96c-99ea9cca6dbe",
      "competition_no": "1",
      "rider_id": "c0cdc695-c646-4b32-ab68-5fa92eca2fc5",
      "horse_id": "81ce6fc1-426b-4a77-9371-1605f51c9eef",
      "payer_id": "c0cdc695-c646-4b32-ab68-5fa92eca2fc5"

We have seen many format for results and entries over years, we wanted something easy to implement and easy to extend without breaking the format.

New nation select on Person


It's not always easy to remember all IOC's country codes, today we make that task a lot simpler, and also ensure only valid IOC's gets saved.

You can type in the IOC code directly or search by name of country, on select se set the code instead.

Improved right-to-left language support


Now our printouts engine speaks Persian, Arabic and Hebrew in the correct direction ⬅.