Filter payments under balance sheet


In order to help verify payments each day, we added so it's possible to filter payments on date and account on the Balance sheet.

Split result list is now backgrounded


Split result is an expensive task, we don't want to block our webservers with this kind of tasks so it's now performed in a background process.

Federation API


Renamed column for tracking if the competition have been created by copy. Parent id is now source id.

Prize money distribution


Fixes Swedish prize money distribution issue in young horse section of a competition.

Show fees now even more powerful 💥💪🏻


Currently show fees has since launch always targeted payer + horse, and this is still the default behaviour.

But in order to support fees that only should be given once per rider, or once per payer in each group, you can now set target to horse, payer or rider.

See example taken from real life, the reason why we added it. Fixed transaction fee, one per payer and First Aid one per rider.

We believe this is a powerful addition.

New print out


In Italy it's mandatory to have print out the states all prize money and the given tax. From as today we support this!

In Italy it is mandatory to have print out the states all prize money and the given tax. From as today we support this!

It looks similar to the invoice, just filtered out all expenses.

Right click for new copy


Normally competitions is created when import from FEI or another Federation.

But from time to time there is a need to create competitions directly in, and often they are similar, maybe just date is different. It's now possible to right click and click new copy.

This is also available from start lists.

15 second rule in Eventing is twenty sometimes


In Finland they have 20 second rule instead of 15 second rule, this is now possible to configure for each competition.

Tweaks sorting show jumping


Fixes corner case with sorting show jumping in judgements with two rounds and jump off where time is taking into account in both rounds.

Assessment dressage tests


Fixes problem with point deduction greater then given scale for the test.