Series of upgrades


During previous week we've upgraded the framework powering both and Now we run the latest version, and updated a number of dependencies.

We also run a new dedicated cache server.

Change organizer logo


It is now possible to change the logo of an organizer from the organizer's Edit page by simply dragging an image file to where the logo is shown in the header. It couldn't get easier!

Logos should preferably be uploaded in vector format as EPS files, but if you don't have an EPS the second best option is a transparent PNG image.

Select dressage judges


Now sorted on last name, first name to easier find them when you run larger dressage shows.

Several currencies within one show


In show settings you can define currency rates, this is used to present the total amount to pay or receive in all defined currencies.

The currency rate is also used to have prize money in different currencies per competition.

Delete starts from team competition


The alert that helps you remove starts that does not belong in the team competition is fixed. It did the right thing, but the message was wrong.

Delete competition


Delete competition with a lot of starts is a consuming tasks when we keep track of history, we moved this to a separate process to improve performance.

Score summary but not on all starts


When you are in a situation where you want to calculate results over several competitions, but not all starts, you've had to first use fetch data filtering on a custom fields and a score summary on top of it.

This is much easier now, make the score summary as usual, then just withdrawn starts that shouldn't be calculated in the summary.

National ID on accreditation form


Added National ID on the Rider declaration, accreditation form.

Accounting export


Added invoice date in the accouting export.

Download your account data on


You can now download all personal details on your account from

Exported json file

    "name":"Joe Doe",
      "alert":"Result for ...",