You can now very easy delete you account at This will remove subscriptions, known devices and all your push messages. This action is not possible to undo.
You can now very easy delete you account at This will remove subscriptions, known devices and all your push messages. This action is not possible to undo.
If you want to avoid free form of officials for shows under your federation, there is now an option to require person officials.
It's now possible to connect a marking sheet to a show jumping judgement. This enabled print out of marking sheet in show jumping.
Designed to use with style jumping. To set the style, go to settings for the competitions, Officials and add Style Judge
StartCountDown and StarTime now accepts timeSource, that can be dressage or cross
"component": "StartCountDown",
"timeSource": "cross",
"component": "StartTime",
"timeSource": "cross",
New wrapper component that filter upcoming starts sorted by cross country start time.
"component": "UpcomingCrossCountryStartsScoped",
"layout": { ... }
It make no sense to clear this field as it mandatory in order for the system to work.
Fixed print out of number bib when no logo was set on the competition.
On rider declaration we are now setting the status as 'Starting' when the declaration is done.
If the rider already has a start in the competition, but without status of 'Starting' it will appear as yellow and explanation tag Not confirmed.
This is useful when you already have starts in the competition but you need the confirmation from rider.
As more federation is joining us and supporting organizers on national level we have added granular control of access levels.
Added style judge
Added option to disable withdraw of entries that have been imported and isn't present in following imports.
Useful if the federation doesn't provide a file that always contain all entries.