Added columns to start list report


We've made more fields available in the column select when printing start related lists.

Invoice settings - Credit card account


It's not longer possible to remove the credit card account, this is because we have built on behaviour on this account, if credit card fee is added the credit card account is automatic selected on register payment.

Print out, people, labels


Possible to sort labels on horse number

New prize money table


The new prize money table for 2019 implemented when starts is between 101-110 and 111-120.

Don't forget to increase the money with the button for adding 33% or 66% before generating the split.

Fixes Calender navigation


Small fix in navigation in the calender for federations around new year.

Extended support of category in start list


As from the beginning of time we have supported category in start list so you can have a single start list and multiple result list within the same competition.

Yesterday we deployed support for defining start categories (separerade from horse category) in the federation level in Equipe and also made it possible to have multi-char categories.

They still need to be in uppercase.

Example of new categories under the Swedish Equestrian Federation. Includes RA12 - Rider Age 12, RA16 - Rider Age 16 and RAO - Rider Age Open.

When late entries is added in Equipe, it will look for the any existing start for the combination of rider and horse and use that category, this is to avoid any specific logic that different federation uses.

Support for manually uploading FEI XML entries


As FEI is in the pilot phase of the new entry system, we need to manually support uploading files. This is a temporary solution until it's possible for us to fetch this information directly and forcing you download it and then upload it to our system.

This only affect users that is trying the new entry system

Changed default setting of show identifier


We've changed the default setting when creating a new show from backup/template file. It's unique show identifier is by default is regenerated so when publishing to makes it appear as a new show and not interfere with a previous one.

Federation admins can now create organizers


Admins of federations is now able to create new organizers, this was only available via api before.

Federations users is also able to grant access to the graphics feature on organizers.

Avoid misstake assign judge in Dressage


If you only have one judge, it should of course be located at C. But nothing prevent you from assigning this judge on any of the locations until now.

In order to be able to assign any of the other positions you must first assign a judge at C.