CSV import ensure valid values


CSV import is an important tool to bring data into Equipe, but it can also lead to invalid data.

On some of the fields we ensure proper data format by promoting an editor, for example format of rider birthday.

We just added so Horse category is also mapped to values that Equipe handles internally. We hope this prevent annoying bugs in the future.

Number of riders in the time schedule


These days it's important to see how many uniq riders will participate during the day. So we've added the number right in to the schedule.

We hope it will be helpful.

FEI Export of Dressage


Fixes export of FEI Dressage XML, penalty percentage included/excluded in total per judge depending on the judges uses the same sheet (assessment) or not.



Fixes issue with connecting a single stripe account to several active shows in entry.equipe.com.

Added new Eventing


New way to give time penalty in cross country.

This is configured per competition, under the Eventing tab.

More marking sheet improvements


The marking sheet printouts now support all available sections, adding Gaits, Jumping and Exterior which were previously unsupported. These will be rendered in the same way as Assessments, but separately.

The marking sheets now also respect the selected Score method, so the printouts no longer state for example "Total score in %:" when the score method is set to Points.

Marking sheets - paper efficiency


While our aim is for the dressage marking sheet printouts to both look good and be as paper efficient as possible, the result isn't always perfect due to the number of different variables that affect the final result.

Because of this we've made two improvements to the marking sheet editor, adding further customizability for when the default isn't good enough;

  • You can now disable the Coefficient and Final Mark columns in the same way as the other mark columns could previously be disabled.

  • You can now finely tune the width of the Directive marks column. With a slider at the bottom of the editor you can specify how much space should be given to the directive ideas column, while the remaining space will be given to the Remarks column. This can very efficiently reduce the number of pages required for a marking sheet.

Eventing - missing a flag


A Horse is considered to have missed a flag (normally 15 penalties) if the Horse jumps the dimension of the obstacle and the majority of the Horse's body passes through the flags.

These 15 penalties are now configurable as it could differ from country to country.

Marks & Assessment


Fixes issue with reporting results back to FEI for Dressage where two judges do the Assessment part and one judge the normal marks in combination with total percent deduction.

  <Result Position="E" Percent="77.000" Points="30.800" PenaltiesPercentage="0.50"/>
  <Result Position="C" Percent="67.000" Points="134.000" PenaltiesPercentage="0.50"/>

Support latest rule change in Denmark


Penalty in case of 30 sec quicker than optimum time.