Save the date


From now on, the invoice date will be set to the date that the invoice was first printed and will not change after that.

It saves the date with the generated invoice number.

You can later change the date and number from person edit, the invoice tab. This should be handled carefully, as in most countries the invoice number should be a constant serie without any gaps.

Scoreboard with no competition selected


Fixed issue with embedding scoreboards into another when there was no competition selected, which prevented you from changing scene.

Prevent rider declaration on closed accounts


Not possible to do rider declaration when the account is closed.

Show real rider on show fees


Now Equipe will display the rider in the economy if rider is different from the payer. This has been true since the beginning for competition or list fees, but not for show fees.

Allow comment per extra fee


Extra fees are grouped by it's description in the economy balance report.

Until now it has not been possible to have unique information without getting another post the economy report.

To solve this we added the possibility to also set a comment per fee.

Previous state of approved


While approving vaccination of horses, and after that added a new horse, new the vaccination status disappeared (Still persisted correctly in the database, but not reflected in the GUI)

Recompute team result preview


Fixed team result preview, when max faults is changed perform recompute on all teams with eliminated riders.

Excel export


We have had customer lately that have been struggling with importing the accounting CSV-file in Excel.

So we have now added proper export in the format of Excel.

Excel will give a warning and open in safe-mode you can ignore this

Added Universal Equine Life Number


Possible to set UELN on horses, horses imported from FEI Entry System will get this field populated by default if present.

Quick start rider declaration


Rider declaration overview now comes with a new button to quickly setup an iPad or other tablet you want to use in the show office for declaration.

When scanning the code a rider declaration user will be created on the organizer account if it doesn't already exists.

The tablet will then navigate to the unique url, ready to accept declarations. This will save a lot of time.

Bookmark the page on the home screen for easy access throughout the show.