People labels


People, Label will now also filter on horses, only horses that is in the selected competitions or lists will be printed on the label.

Organizer webiste


You can now set your Organizer Website URL in the settings of the organizer on the general tab. This will be published to

Dressage coefficient in Eventing


Preparing for 2018 season, the dressage coefficient of 1.5 is removed in Eventing



Much more flexible way of handling officials, you can choose from people in the show marked as officials, or add them free from as before. Add multiple Course Designer on a competition. Added Course designer assistant and controller.

Invitation email for new users


Now you no longer have to assign a password to your new users and then share it with them. Leaving the password field blank when creating a new user will result in an invitation email being sent with a link to choose a password. Safety first! 👮

Underline group numbers with coefficient


Underline group numbers on marking sheets if the coefficient is something other than 1.

Fall out flat in cross country


Cross Country falls not related to obstacles need to be recorded using a new code complement FOF (Fall on flat)

This should be set on the last fence jumped

Organizer people


Fixed problem with edit organizer people

Quicker quick publish of competition


It's now faster to publish a competition, the fullpage progressbar is gone.

Dressage judges on print out for category 2


Fixed problem with missing dressage judges on category 2 on print outs.