Question closed at November 27, 2023 19:24


Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
06 Oct 08:54

We are currently scoring a dressage show. Up until today the system has been letting us double tap the number to get an .5 figure. But now it won't could you let me knoe if I need to change some thing.

Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 09:14
Dear Lauren maybe the test is not configured to allow .5 marks which show and which competition is?
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
06 Oct 09:18
Pet Plan Area Festival class 17 and 18 Elementary 53
Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 13:19
Dear Lauren,

I tested it and its fully responsive to .5 marks... If you write 5 5 in the keyboard it becomes a 5.5

Where is the problem?

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
06 Oct 15:55
5 5 works but if you press 7 7 it becomes 7.7 and not 7.5 
Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 15:58
ahhh ok this is different... normally if you want to put a 7.5 yo need to tap a 7 and the 5 not two times the same digit. This is only working if the test is configured with the mark step of 0.5 that is not the case...

I already change the test to have the 0.5 mark step for the future.

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
06 Oct 15:59
thank you
Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 16:00
In this test, in the collective mark the step is also .5 or .1 the judged could mark it as 7.8 or only 7 or 7.5 or 8???
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
06 Oct 16:04
only FEI test can use 7.8. UK BD  tests are only 7, 7.5 or 8. 

It worked yesterday for the classes. I have checked tomorrow's classes and Novice 23 is also set not to do it. I would help us massively if you could change that for me too.

Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 16:04
Ok perfect then Elementary 53 is already corrected to .5 and I'll change right now Novice 23.

Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
06 Oct 16:06
Novice 23 Updated too.
