Question closed at September 20, 2023 14:52

Email errors on self service

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
20 Sep 13:52
Hi - we are getting so many people with this error. They are able to enter on however when they then try log into the Equipe app they are getting this error message.

Why is this happening as they clearly have an equipe account??


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Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
20 Sep 13:56
Dear Lauren,

Yes if they already have the account, they have to go to Forgot your password and put their email and will receive an email with the link to reset their passwords.

With my best regards,

Thom Kerssies (Thomputer)
20 Sep 14:02
We have 2 different websites with their own accounts for entering om nationals shows (and the mobile app) for following riders and horses and declaration during international shows

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
20 Sep 14:52
Thank you