Question closed at September 21, 2023 15:52

Gender error in FEI Entry System import

Álvaro Arcas - Vive la Doma, S.L.
14 Sep 18:39
Horses that appear in the FEI as "Male" and in Gelding say "unkown", in Equipe are imported as "Gelding".
Thom Kerssies (Equipe)
19 Sep 14:00
Equipe doesn't have 'Unknown' so they are imported as Gelding

In this case the FEI database needs to be updated to select the correct Gender

image.png 69.4 KB

The OC or PR can do that by selecting the 'Suggest updated information' in the page

image.png 21.4 KB

Álvaro Arcas - Vive la Doma, S.L.
19 Sep 20:44
I know about the suggestion platform, but it is not an effective solution. Changes have to be approved by the NF.
Stallion owners complain because their horses appear like geldings.
Perhaps a new option should be created in the DB that is "Male" (without specifying if is Stalion or Gelding).
Thom Kerssies (Thomputer)
20 Sep 19:16
Almost all changes I requested at the  suggestion platform (10-20 per show) are already confirmed in the same week.
I usualy do all the young horses (5yo) to have all information in like breeder, studbook, pedegree.