Question closed at November 14, 2023 07:40

Adjusting times per start

14 Nov 07:21
I must have a mental blockage having used this many times....
Wheer do I adjust the time estimated per start in the start list planning
(Not the limit time in the judgement)
14 Nov 07:33
I mean, I can change it for all competitions in the event, but I have some competitions where I should allow more time
14 Nov 07:37
Hi, you can find this on the day schedule as the following image
Capture d’écran du 2023-11-14 08-33-29.png 56.2 KB

This is for the all day.
for specific class , click on the 120/s Start lign on the class there and setup the estimated time you need :
Capture d’écran du 2023-11-14 08-36-05.png 15.2 KB

Hope that can help :)

14 Nov 07:40
Thank you!