Question closed at November 07, 2023 07:16

Online equipe times

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
24 Sep 09:26
Hi - we do not publish individual competitor times however when a class starts, puts times on the round.

We do not want this to happen. How can we remove it please??

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Thom Kerssies (Thomputer)
24 Sep 09:36
That's something you can't hide.
Equipe always publish the predicted starttimes after 10 riders have started.

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
24 Sep 12:37
It is causing us a lot of problems. Is there something that you can do please?
Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
24 Sep 12:42
Dear Lauren, Equipe what is doing is calculating the exact start time of each of your starts automatically taking into account the real time of each round. This is not working if you are not making the timekeeping live and you are just imputing the results manually.

You could just deactivate it if you just republish the competition going to publish online, selecting the classes where you want this not to happen and therefore declick the tick on the Publish estimated start times..

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But you are deactivating one of the most well valued features of Equipe as with that the competitors know exactly when they are going to be in the arena. And not only competitors, also grooms, owners, trainers...

With my best regards,

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
24 Sep 12:47
Thanks. We have already unticked that box and it hasn't removed the times.

I do understand it is a good feature but we would like the options to have it on or off. It is very good but in the UK national classes we don't give out competitor starts times and when we have 3/4 arenas and rider clashes, it doesn't work effectively for example if we are running ahead of time.

We will use it but we would like an option to turn it off or on please :)

This is how we published our lists - am I missing something

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Thom Kerssies (Thomputer)
24 Sep 12:51
Now in the 'old' days this was the only option for giving the predicted starttimes. 
As Equipe has the 'check starttimes' system it normaly should not have clashes.

We will note the request to have the original function to be optional switched off as well

Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
24 Sep 12:53

For that you could use the check start times in order to made not collapse the times in between all the arenas. This is how we manage the Tours, like MET Oliva in Spain ot Toscana Tour in Arezzo (ITA) where there are three arenas at the same time and we don't have any collapse.

You just need to separate them properly before publishing the running orders and you will always forgot about clashes and riders asking to change....

It seems some change has been done and this is changed as in the past you could select to publish or not...

As Thom says, we will come to you with more info.
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
24 Sep 12:59
Thanks both. We have had an issue because the federation during covid mandated that you had to have times but now we don't. People in the UK don't realise Equipe is constantly recalculating the estimated start time so when we move ahead, they think the time they saw is the time they will jump if you see what we are saying. So I think we will eventually use it but for now having the option would be better.
Jon Stenqvist
27 Sep 12:21
When five riders have submitted results, Equipe begins to automatically estimate the upcoming starts in the competition.

Currently, this feature cannot be turned off. To the best of my knowledge, it hasn't caused any issues. It's quite accurate and safe for show jumping.

We may need to introduce a setting at the show level to disable this behavior, but we'd prefer not to if possible. 

Everyone will benefit from a start list that could be relied on.
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
05 Oct 16:25
Sorry, it is an issue for us which is why I am raising it? How long will it take until we have the option to use this or not please

As I have said numerous times now, the people in the UK are not that used to Equipe and they don't realise that it continuously recalculates the estimated time they will jump. 

Rather than explaining this time and time again can you just let me know if it's possible or not to add this option back in

Jon Stenqvist
07 Oct 14:33

I will make a setting for this, and inform you when it's done.
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
10 Oct 10:44
Thanks for your help with this

Kind regards
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
16 Oct 10:46
Hi there. Just wondered if you were able to make a setting for this as yet? Thanks
Jon Stenqvist
16 Oct 13:14

I have now added an option to turn off automatic start time calculation in running competitions. Default is on, it only controls if the start time should be published or not, the result screen in estimated start times will show up.

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Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
18 Oct 16:54
Thank you. We will use the functionality sometimes as our riders get more used to it. Thank you for adding this in