Question closed at September 19, 2023 12:07

Bulk delete people

Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
17 Sep 11:35
hi - we are trying to do an import to update everyone's FEI IDs but I have created a lot of unncessary people. How can we remove them please?

Anyone with NONAME needs to be removed ASAP please

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Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
17 Sep 11:51
which show?

Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
17 Sep 11:57
I guess is the: The ALX Horseboxes Arena UK Major Show Jumping Championships

-Ok you could go to the activities pressing the return arrow

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The find your action and undo it:

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And finally import them again, but always selecting one field as the key field in order to not create duplicates.

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Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
17 Sep 12:06
Thank you. What options do I select below in order to update everyone's FEI ID from my CSV file without duplicating?

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Alejandro Ancín Berdegué
17 Sep 12:07
Mark the name as the key filed to prevent duplications.
Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
17 Sep 12:09
It's still duplicating the rider for example:

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Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
17 Sep 12:13
If it's easier could you call me on +447534159051

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Lauren Fogg - Arena UK Ltd
17 Sep 13:14
I think I have resolved this now