Question closed at June 23, 2023 07:35

Split of competition

23 Jun 07:12
Hi guys,

we had to split 2 competitions in two groups (more than 100 participants). 

I wanted to know, if this will have an impact on the FEI export, as there is no possibility to check the competitionX:B.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Thom Kerssies (Thomputer)
23 Jun 07:16
Hi Robert,

You need to send an email to the FEI with the message thaty you split the competition.
Competition .. (2023_CI_...) has more than 100 declared starters and will be split in 2 groups -according the 2023 jumping rules- after the end of the competition.
Can you create the extra competition in the FEI database?

They will answer you with the code for the B competition.

This code you need to enter in the competition settings in the Headings tab,


Thom Kerssies
23 Jun 07:35
Thank you Thom.

Best regards,
