Hey! Our club do not have our own logo up. How can i fix this? We do want people to see our logo. Thanks for help!
Norwegian: Hei! Vår klubb mangler logoen vår på disse sidene. Hvordan kan jeg ordne dette? Vil gjerne at folk skal se logoen vår. Tusen takk for hjelp! mkrk logo stor.jpg272 KB
15 Sep 07:37
Hi, You can define your logo in the class/competition settings Capture d’écran du 2023-09-15 09-31-43.png6.86 KB then go on Sponsor Logos Capture d’écran du 2023-09-15 09-32-04.png54.1 KBAdd your logo by clicking on upload button and follow the process ( logo name , file, then ok ) after that, go back to equipe with "back" button on the top of the page and slide the logo in the left upper corner ( where my logo is placed on the example )
then define if you want it by day, show or show logo with the pin menu on the left top: Capture d’écran du 2023-09-15 09-32-28.png9.98 KB "Show logo" will add your logo on online.equipe.com , "Show" add your logo on all start lists/results ... hope that can help Laurent