Fetch data fixes for dressage

Clever usage of fetch data in Denmark 🇩🇰 - Equipe is used for dressage judge exams.

The judge that is target for exam get their own competition, that make the scores as normal and write the remarks, once the competition is over fetch data is used to bring in the scores of the main judge to be able to compare.


We now also fetch remarks used in e-dressage when you fetch data from another competition.


Recalculate total percent in the destination competition after new scores is fetched.

Link to entry from person economy


When using the entry system or another federation system that implements this feature, allow for fast way to navigate to the external entry.

It's easy to allow enable this feature if your is a federation owner in Equipe.

Go to the setting of the federation, web services, and scroll down to Link to entry in the federation system

Link to the payer's profile from entries


You can now go to the payer's profile directly from the list of entries by clicking their name.

Show total entries per day


We now show the total number of submitted, reserved and accepted entries per day in the organizer's schedule view.

Endurance ideal time


Fixes bug where the rank was not calculated correctly for ideal time judgement where ideal speed was above a certain speed. You must open settings of the competition and press update in order for this fix to take action.

FEI Import


Fixes corner case with substituted horse during FEI import.

Time penalty 2022


How show jumping time penalty is calculated is updated for FEI regulations of 2022, that means 1 penalty per second, always, both for rounds and jump offs.

If you are using the FEI judgement for your national competitions, and your national rules is different, use File > Advance to change the settings as needed.

Support for Hors Concours


Entries can now be specified as Hors Concours directly in the entry system, this should greatly reduce the workload for the show office on some shows!

Hors Concours does not affect the entry in the entry.equipe.com other than visually, but carries over to app.equipe.com when imported, resulting in the start not being ranked.

Let organizers add entries to closed competitions


Organizers can now add entries to competitions even if they're not Open for entry.

List of unpaid entries


Unpaid (or partially paid) entries can now be found in a separate tab for a better overview and to make it easier to send specific payment requests. The "Send payment requests" button has also been moved here from Accepted, to better reflect the scope of people who would receive the request if the button is pressed.