Weekly Update: Enhancements to app.equipe.com and online.equipe.com!

Hello to our dedicated users!

We're share updates and fixes we've rolled out this week to enhance your experience with Equipe.

  1. Team Competitions: We've addressed an issue where the Team competition wasn't going live as expected on online.equipe.com.
  2. Teams: Now, you we present number of teams and not number of starts within all teams on online.equipe.com.
  3. Sorting in WE: We've improved the sorting functionality in Working Equitation.
  4. Keyboard Shortcuts in WE: You can now add and remove fences in WE using handy keyboard shortcuts. A big win for efficiency!
  5. Result Registration Fix: We've resolved an issue where breaks weren't disappearing automatically in the result registration.
  6. FEI Export Enhancement: Adjustments have been made to the FEI Export, ensuring it handles accumulators with the new fault split seamlessly.
  7. WE Freestyle Sheets: Fixed an issue related to WE Freestyle sheets where spanning across columns was wrong.
  8. Eventing Penalty Formatting: We've corrected a formatting issue for penalties in Eventing that was introduced with WE.
  9. New Currency Addition: We've added CAD (Canadian Dollar) to our currency options.
  10. Full Results in Eventing: Even if a competitor is eliminated in Eventing, you can now send full results to online.equipe.com.

We're committed to continually refining our platform to serve you better. Your feedback has been invaluable in these updates, and we encourage you to keep it coming.