Equipe Online: Dressage team competition without individual starts still shows percentage per judge, full score sheet, and more.
We have finally addressed a longstanding request: if you remove the last start of a section/category in app.equipe.com and publish it, the start list would still exist on online.equipe.com, as it was not aware of the deletion. This issue is now resolved. When a competition is published, any start list no longer present will be automatically deleted from online.equipe.com.
Fine-tuned the result presentation for dressage team competitions where there are no individual starts, for the team start list we also fixed a bug where the start time did not appear on the desktop view.
Click on total percent on each start to see scoresheet
We will now automatically toggle Nations and Clubs on and off depending on whether there is more than one of each in the show.
Menu for the show in online.equipe.com
A few minor issues with translation and locale switching have also been addressed.