Equipe and Online: Added support for live stream player at online.equipe.com. Moved advanced publish settings to it's own tab
We've introduced a new feature: the ability to embed live streaming on online.equipe.com. For each arena, you can define a URL that we will embed. This page should contain a full-screen player, making it available for people to follow the live results. It's hard to imagine a better spot for the live stream.
New feature: Embed live streaming into online.equipe.com
To make this possible, we changed the layout a bit. We try not to change things too much to avoid confusing you. But today, we had a good reason. Before, these options were hidden under a small link at the bottom of the competition list, found through File > Publish. Now, we've put all these options in one tab on the same page.
New page for advanced publish settings
We have also decided to make a useful option more accessible: 'Publish without starts'. This is for when you want to publish the competitions online, but the start lists are not yet ready. This button is now located at the bottom of the Publish page and includes an additional confirmation step. If you use this option and have already published starts, they will be deleted from online.equipe.com.
Easier to access publish without starts
This option is now also available when publish competition by competition from starts.