Equipe Online
- Added support for the new judgments where show jumping can have a marking sheet; now shows all given marks.
- Fixed issue where clicking the row in mobile apps provides detailed results.
- Reintroduced alternating dark rows for odd/even table rows.
- Migrated to a new CDN.
Equipe App
- Added history for federation judgment mapping.
- Federation judgments now only show judgments of the current Federation.
- Made it possible to configure, per federation, how to break ties in dressage.
- For legacy judgments that are inactivated, the correct name will still be shown under Competition settings.
- Fixed a port issue where extension webhooks' payload containing URLs was problematic.
- Added a webhook for distributing prize money.
- Printouts now also show time faults, fence faults, and total faults.
- Added repayment feature for the export of results to federations.
- Enabled viewing history/changes on a marking sheet.
- Renamed "Bonus" to "Exclude max score" on the Marking Sheet for clearer communication of its function.
- Improved GUI for system-wide changes.
- Added more events in preparation for upcoming paperless support.
- Included the raw start in the extension points webhook.
Equipe Entry
- Now showing 'Withdrawn late' for entries withdrawn after charge withdrawn from.
- Added the ability to set withdrawn entries as free of charge; these are exported to the app as 'changed'.
- Introduced a 'free_of_charge' option for withdrawn entries.