Equipe Online
- Ensure the horse is released from the start if it is removed in the XML.
- Enabled Chinese language support.
- Added support for navigating from /starts/x to the app.
- Convert upload images for hero and footer to WebP format.
Equipe App
- Competition
- Prevent saving multiple competitions with the same CLABB number in the competitions controller.
- Prevent pasting invalid category names.
- Publish Online
- Only hide result preview for dressage and HC start.
- Remove sheet from online if there are no items.
- Validate horse color length when publishing online.
- Strategy for using meeting name/organizer name.
- Link to sign in after publishing a competition.
- Improve timeout, and timeouts in queue.
- SvRF
- Check for ridden score and set in export to TDB.
- Export marking sheet score in show jumping judgments to TDB.
- Support SWB/SvRF sign-in for the same users.
- Use foreign ID instead of relying on KNR TDB import; fixes TDB import bug.
- Allow SWB to import/export from TDB.
- Fix acceptance of licence agreement.
- Auth via Federation API.
- Import/export TDB are now at organizer level.
- Added new validation on show jumping results on export.
- Fix entries import with WE.
- Resolve another start finding error in FEI.
- In para-dressage, provide judge percent without subtracting penalties.
- Do not link to competition if there are many with the same number.
- Fix total percent deduction.
- Paperless
- Fixed rounding issue in battery level for scribes.
- Show if all scribes are not on the same start.
- Assign judge signatures if other competitions have been signed.
- Allow corrections of signed marking sheets.
- Set locked flag.
- Fixed issue with dirty starts where dirty points did not load correctly.
- Confirm leave equipe-logo and competitions.
- Changed order of shows start on desc.
- SecretaryStatus show last seen time instead of seconds.
- SecretaryStatus broadcast.
- WE (Working Equitation)
- Fixed judge by sections.
- Fixed bug preventing undoing WE settings.
- Added DSQ.
- Select judging criteria based on section groups; expand on save; ensure judge status is set.
- Export
- Enable export of people, horses, clubs, nations, starts, and results to Excel.
- Extensions
- Ensure competitionId is set on the output message; fix initial countdown not set via extension.
- Arena Colors
- CompetitionGroups show arena color and some refactoring/cleanup.
- Show arena color in schedule check start times.
- Link to remove arena colors.
- Arena settings exclude arenas that are no longer used.
- Fix arena settings color input padding.
- MeetingSettings arenas -> arena_settings, add support for arena colors.
- Dressage
- Fix bug causing DressageEditor to crash if a URL anchor #hash is set which doesn't match a start_id.
- Added percent_difference_threshold on Federation; warning will come up if the judges' percent difference is above this.
- Improved the warning if not all is set.
- Starts
- Show live label for ongoing competitions; avoid over-smart section B handling.
- Do not set section in rider-horse picker when selecting a horse.
- Deselect start on paste.
- Reports
- Correctly print show jumping with marking sheet and eliminations.
- Federations
- Rearrange form under regulations.
- Send Invoice
- Validate email inputs on submit.
- Organizers
- Auto pick current organizer from meeting when importing people from the organizer.
Equipe Entry
- Ability to open/close competitions per day from Schedule.
- Fix bug with meeting fees targeted for horses.
- Fix unsubmitted entries flash not going away after withdrawing the last.
- Upgrade to latest Stripe API.
- Use also licence_attribute_name and make it readonly for riders as well.
- Fix horse licence attribute name.
- Show that a competition is full and try to estimate if new unsubmitted entries will end up as reserves.
- Added locale to JS.
- Added missing currencies.
Equipe Help
- Upload and play video files, possible to download uploaded files.